Reporting Dashboards
UI Design + Dev
Fall 2018 - Spring 2019
UI design for various business reporting dashboards for HVAC business owners to help them manage their profitability. I also did the frontend development for this project using Chart.js
The Design Process
These designs were completed when I was on the Engineering team and design work was done ad-hoc as needed in an informal process. After getting assigned the ticket in a sprint, I discussed the feature requirements with internal stakeholders. I mocked up some quick designs based on their specifications, and review them with those same stakeholders.
Most of the designs were straightforward, but the Job Efficiency Report required a lot of back and forth, and combining several different ideas into the final result. After getting their sign off, the designs where ready for me and a Full-Stack Engineer to implement.
The Final Designs
All the various reporting screens implemented in our product.